Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chestnuts roasting on the scrapyard fire...


Acorn Steel had its annual Scrap Barbeque today. The turnout was great and so was the barbeque. The weather didn't cooperate, tho. Cold and rainy
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

'dem bones, 'dem bones, 'dem DRY bones....

My focus as of late has been on hurricane ike and the so called recovery process. Thank the Lord, I'm able to be in my home, sleep in my bed ( :) ) and type on my own computer. For that I am blessed. Never would I have understood the extent of pain others are going through except I see it happening to my brother and sister in law. The pain of losing everything is unbelievable but that's only the beginning of the horror.

Its been 2 months now and no possibility of an end in sight. They have moved from hotel to hotel, some very nice, some adequate. The story is long and discouraging. Help comes with a "forked-tongue". True one day, false the next. What I want to tell you today is one of the realities of this type of natural disaster.

One day last week I went with Ted and Brenda to "view the remains" At this day, almost two months later the roads are almost passable. Rollover Pass bridge has been made into a one way bridge with a signal light. Washed out areas of the road have been temporarily patched. Debris is everywhere. Plastic bags hang from the
light poles. Those little suckers really hang in there!!!

Ted and Brenda's place is swept clean... kinda, with a heavy cover of sand. There's a huge pond where the house used to be with their car and lawn mower in the pond. There's also one window frame, no glass, left hanging where the storage shed used to be. We took pictures, Ted walked out to the edge of the property toward the beach.
Brenda and I started wandering toward the road. Rains since Ike have started bringing little 'treasures' to the surface. We found a few dishes but they weren't Brenda's. Toward the edge of the road, Brenda told me to look. It was a bone, partly buried in the sand. She moved it around with her foot and we discussed what KIND of bone it might be. We called Ted over and he said it looked like a "femar". I kept thinking, no its got to be a cow or horse or very large dog... you know, I'm really smart that way :) We took photos and put it in the van.

That bone/person rode around with us in the van for a couple of days !!!! Long story about how it got turned in but we have had a part of a human hanging out with us, being in the car while we DRANK COKES OVER IT, talked, chatted and "fairly recently" dead !!!!!! Its now in the care of the Galveston County Medical Examiner's office and hopefully will someday be reunited with family. Remember the old song we used to sing... Dem bones, dem bones, dem...dry bones. Ezekiel's bones.

Next chapter
After learning about the bone we started thinking about something else we found that was strange. There was a piece of broken siding laying face down in the sand with
things under it. I could see there was writing, like spray painting. Ted turned it over for it and it said "H e l p" sprayed on that strip. NOW, since finding that bone, that's real. Who wrote that sign? What happened that night? What's the rest of that story???

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ike will live on forever!

This is the view on Ted and Brenda's beach property since Ike came to visit. Where a cozy beach house used to set there has now been created a little scenic pond readily equipped with mobile transportation. If you could only see past the transportation you could view the equipment that used to be helpful in maintaining the beautiful landscape. They are anxiously awaiting the time that they will be able to dig through the shifted sands that have been newly deposited on their beach front property! (Previously, it was one street back ) Who knows what trinkets will be unearthed... possibly something of their own!
We have come to know more about weather forecasts than we ever possibly wanted to know. Evacuation has become normal. Running a generator isn't a rare instance. MRE's are FUN. Toliets are priceless!!! What a sad thing when people know how to run the system after an event. What did we do after Carla or Camille. There was no FEMA then. Did we have to take care of ourselves???? Who took care of them? Just wondering.
Here's a little Hurricane Humor
Don't know who wrote this but its funny!!!
Here are ten reasons why having a hurricane is like having Christmas. Enjoy!
Number Ten: Decorating the house (with plywood).
Number Nine: Dragging out boxes that haven't been used since last season.
Number Eight: Last minute shopping in crowded stores.
Number Seven: Regular TV shows pre-empted for 'Specials'.
Number Six: Family coming to stay with you.
Number Five: Family and friends from out-of-state calling you.
Number Four: Buying food you don't normally buy . . . and in large quantities.
Number Three: Days off from work.
Number Two: Candles.
And the Number One reason Hurricane Season is like Christmas:
At some point you're probably going to have a tree in your house!

Friday, September 12, 2008


For the second time in less than a month we are dealing with a storm. This one threathens to be a whopper. Ted and Brenda took this photo yesterday in Gulf Shores. This is part of Ike as far west as Florida. Amazing

Brenda got word from the Galveston County Sheriff's department that there is already 5 ft of water across the main road leading to the ferry in Galveston. Doesn't look good for their beach house. So many of our friends have decided to ride it out.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Most Dangerous Chocolate Cake Recipe


1 Coffee Mug

4 tablespoons flour (that's plain flour, not self-rising)
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons baking cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
Small splash of vanilla

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla, and mix again.Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts. The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!

Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired. EAT! (this can serve 2 if you want to share!) And why is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world? Because now we are all only 5 minutes away from chocolate cake at any time of the day or night!

Funny Trint

The good nephew, Trint
“The Show with Ze Frank”Ze’s New VlogMy First Attempt at Vlogging

Monday, September 8, 2008

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
- Edmund Burke

Monday, September 1, 2008


After 4 days of predicted doom, we have survived. There was a small amount of rain earlier and there were a few gusts of wind. Not that I'm complaining, just oh so relieved and perplexed. As all weather predictions are just that... predictions, not facts, it seemed somehow that there should have been just a little thunder and lightening. No, cancel that.

As Gustav approached the Coast, pinpointing a spot only 2 hours away, they were predicting it would move almost parallel with the coast, bringing the storm right over our area. There were a few moments that I knew I needed to get some things together. I did.
But I couldn't seem to leave. Probably just stubborness . :) I decided I would move
my comfy chair into the hall and close the bedroom doors and wait out whatever would happen. Still seems like a good plan to me. Guess I'll have a few more chances to test my plan since there are several more hurricanes forming.

Daina had a parade and friends over today, Chris went to see the Astros in Chicago, Kathy hunted for kitchen flooring, Ted and Brenda planned for a funeral and Sandra sat with her brother in law in the hospital after lung surgery. Marci was obvlious of what was facing her. Isn't it funny how different life is for each one of us.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Wish I had said this!!!

The next time someone asks you a dumb question wouldn't you like to respond like this? Yesterday I was at my local Wal-Mart buying a large bag of Purina dog chow for my loyal pet, Sheriff, the Wonder Dog and was in the checkout line when woman behind me asked if I had a dog. What did she think I had, an elephant? So since I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off a curb to sniff an Irish Setter's A$$ and a car hit us both. I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Wal-Mart won't let me shop there anymore. Better watch what you ask retired people. They have all the time in the world to think of crazy things to say.

Thank you Ted, for this valuable Wal-Mart Information.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Friends Passing Away

This was actually Ted's buddies, Albert and Darrell. Darrell passed away today. He had been sick for a long time and probably a blessing for him to be pain free and singing again in Heaven. Darrell's family was the Pastor's family. Bro Foster was the pastor of our church for.... forever, or so I thought. He was the only pastor I knew. He was pastor of the largest church in town. Jimmy Swaggert started out in the ministry at our church. Marilyn Hickey's husband was an associate pastor at the church. The Dewey's were associate pastors. Lots of well known missionaries were from our church.
Darrell and my brother were buddies... lifetime buddies. There were 5 Foster kids. One is still living. Darrell became a minister, like his father. He spoke at my mom's funeral.
This picture was taken at our house. The crochet doillie is at my house now. Mom made it. Take note that the bed in the background was not made, tho. Time is'a passing!

Mary Kay Morning

Daina you would be so proud of me. Today, UPS delivered my miracle improvement system called Mary Kay. I took the time to read each label and place them carefully in my beautiful black kit. It looks so pretty but, you know what? Now I don't want to mess it up!!

Guess I'lll just go back to using my old makeup and saving this just for the look. :)

Life Rolls On and ON...etc

Vaguely, I remember those days. Seems we didn't have to have as much stuff ready as kids do now. Kleenex and paper towels, handsoap, stuff like that was furnished. We had to worry about sudden bursts of emotion and sometimes the kids would cry, too ! :)
It was just the other day that I was dropping them off at school...... what am I saying?? I mean, it was just the other day I was pushing them out the door to catch the bus !!!!! Whoaaa to them if they missed that bus. I'll never forget the day Chris came back in crying that he missed the bus... 3rd grade... I had to get dressed and drive him to school. I was so aggravated. While I was out I went to the grocery store and a few other errands. The school called not long after I got home and asked me to please pick up my son, there was no school that day !!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOPPPPSSSSSS.
Kathy has all these joys ahead of her and I apologize that we all find it humorous but its only because we've been there. After reading her blog yesterday I started thinking how strange it feels to have fully grown up functioning adults as children. Kathy had some good points about thankfulness and I need to be reminded often. Today I'm being thankful that I'm NOT in my
wonderful, driveable, gold van with no A/C. Later today when I have to drive it, I'll be thankful it RUNS. Tomorrow, I'll be thankful I have a daughter close enough to come drive me to her house (since I don't want to bring the wonderful, driveable, gold van with no A/C ) to evacuate from the latest hurricane.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Flo passed away on her birthday

This is a picture of Flo with her two grandson's taken this summer while they were here visiting. She loved those boys!
She passed away last night around 11 PM. There will be a memorial service at her grandson's church on Sat morning. Then next week there will be another service in her home town of Atlanta, Georgia. There was a scholarship program established in her name that will help other kids with their schooling.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Update on Flo

There hasn't been much change in Flo's condition for several days. They have determined the strokes and heart attacks were brought on by a massive tumor in her brain. This picture was taken on a trip this summer with Ted and Brenda. Flo got to visit the Clinton Museum. That was one of her "bucket list" items.

She's in our prayers!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Flo Davis

We met last summer when Flo came to visit her daughter, my sister in law, Brenda. Flo was my constant companion that summer. We had long talks on the porch, lunches out and a few naps together during Dr. Phil. Flo is from Georgia and just the typical Georgian peach you would expect. Her soft, gracious voice seemed to remind you of times of Plantations, rides in a carriage and large billious skirts. She was always a lady but could defend herself if necessary. She has a fiesty side that made us all stop and take note when she was truly riled. There was always a "please" and "thank you" quick on her tongue.
Wednesday evening after her usual trip to church and eating out at Jason's, she said she wasn't feeling well. Her granddaughter, DeAnna could tell there was something going on in Flo so they started to the ER. She passed out in the driveway. The doctors say she had a stroke and heart attack. By Thurs morning, the doctors didn't give her much hope.
Flo is 86 and will be 87 in a couple of weeks. I've never met such a sharp active, strong "young" lady. She could work circles around me and would if I stood still long enough.
This morning the family is waiting to hear more from doctors but I feel like Flo will probably wake up and tell them all to go home!
She won't like that her hair is messed up and she'll want to get her nails done. She's quite a lady and although we love her, we would understand if she wants to go home to be with her husband, Jay. She has missed him so much .
We love you Flo
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