Monday, September 1, 2008


After 4 days of predicted doom, we have survived. There was a small amount of rain earlier and there were a few gusts of wind. Not that I'm complaining, just oh so relieved and perplexed. As all weather predictions are just that... predictions, not facts, it seemed somehow that there should have been just a little thunder and lightening. No, cancel that.

As Gustav approached the Coast, pinpointing a spot only 2 hours away, they were predicting it would move almost parallel with the coast, bringing the storm right over our area. There were a few moments that I knew I needed to get some things together. I did.
But I couldn't seem to leave. Probably just stubborness . :) I decided I would move
my comfy chair into the hall and close the bedroom doors and wait out whatever would happen. Still seems like a good plan to me. Guess I'll have a few more chances to test my plan since there are several more hurricanes forming.

Daina had a parade and friends over today, Chris went to see the Astros in Chicago, Kathy hunted for kitchen flooring, Ted and Brenda planned for a funeral and Sandra sat with her brother in law in the hospital after lung surgery. Marci was obvlious of what was facing her. Isn't it funny how different life is for each one of us.

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