Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Politics or Would I be happier if I put my head in the sand!

Good grief, what is this world coming to. We have been told all our lives how evil communism, socialisim, marxism.. etc are so how can we even be faced with this degree of radicalism in our America? It blows me away. This morning I read the goals of the One Nation rally scheduled for this coming Sat. They talked about not letting the RADICAL TEA PARTY take over this wonderful country..... HUH? Their slogan, One Nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all...... HOW could that be so opposite of what the tea party wants? Yes, I listen to Glenn Beck, faithfully I might add, and he always says not to take his word but to do the research for yourself. Well..... I have been. I am just dumbfounded. Not only is the communist party out of the closet, so is everyone else. How can our dreams and desires be so far different and yet have some of the same content? Where is reason? What is wrong with MORALITY? What is wrong with HONOR? For example, unions were/are part of our history. Unions were needed to help the worker stand on even footing but now? Unions as a whole contribute to the downfall of many thriving businesses. Employers can move to other countries cheaper than paying the bill for the demands of unions.

I had to look up the term astro turf but here's what I found:
"In response to the success of the Tea Party rallies in April 2009, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) accused the nascent movement of being “astroturf”–a political term of art for a faux movement funded by traditional powers to give a cause the appearance of independent grassroots support.
Pelosi repeated the “astroturf” slur in August 2009 as Tea Party activists showed up in large numbers at healthcare townhall meetings.
Five national tea party-related rallies have been held in our nation’s capitol in the past year and half. If there was evidence that thousands of tea party activists were getting free bus rides to these rallies, surely the media would have made certain the whole world knew about it."

There were no free buses for the Tea Party and yet the rally for One Nation has advertised where to find the buses, lunch will be included along with a T-Shirt for the event!!!!!!! Sponsors for the event are unbelievable. Exactly what I thought no longer existed in our nice, free America. All the big unions are included, AFL-CIO, SEIC, NAACP and the one that knocked the air out of me... Communist Party of the US/Youth Leadership WOW.....lots of socialist groups on and on and even a mention of the National Baptist Convention. Well, slap me silly and call me pudding!!!!!!!! The world seems to move further and further out of my set ideals on a daily basis. I am the tea party, I am a retired middle income person that believes I shouldn't live above the income that I receive. There's no one around to bail me out if I do. I believe our founding fathers set up a system of govering that made this country the greatest country in the world where everyone was free. Free enough to say whatever gawdawful thing they want. I believe there are rules to living in this awesome country. I resent people NOT obeying the rules, ALL the rules, even our government leaders that somehow manage to "overlook" paying their taxes. Just let me try that and see what would happen!!!

O.k. enough of my rant. I am the Tea Party if only my tail feathers are sticking out of the ground!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

God Moment

God Moment

There are times when we FEEL God speaking to us and there are times you KNOW God's Hand has guided your hands to what He wants to share with you. There are times of finding a scripture that really speaks to you, finding some kind of little nugget in the word but this one tonight is just a gift right in my hands. I'm sitting here crying about the wonderfulness of it!!!O.k. I love the Gaithers and so often when I have the computer on, I have Gaither songs playing. Last week I set up a playlist of Gaither Vocal Band songs. They are about worn out I've played them so many times.
One song has been stuck in my brain for days!!! I'd go back to PC and play that song... pondering.The song is "These are They who came out of great tribulation" Tonight I have played that song over and over. Finally, I googled the lyrics so I could see all the words written

These Are They
"the oceans give up all the dead that are in them
the graves open wide to set captives free
and those who are roaming
the earth rise to meet them
abrahams seed as the sands of the sea
these are they who have come out of great tribulation
they have washed their robes
in the blood of the lamb they have gone through much sorrow
into great jubilation
they're redeemed by the blood of the lamb
like a strong mighty army their voices are ringing
the great crowds of witnessessing freedom song as
they enter the country built by their own father
the promissed homeland
they yearned for so long
(change key)
all the strangers and pilgrims are no longer strangers
all the tired, weary wanderer's
they will wander no more
the table is ready for the great celebration
and the welcome home banner flies over the door
back to chorus "

My mom was a licensed Assembly of God minister. Her messages were always on helping people understand the Rapture and Second Coming as well as the Tribulation. The first words in this song talk about the people who have cleaned their robes. From my mom's teachings I remember these saints as the ones that did not go in the Rapture . They had to go through the great tribulation and practically give their lives for God. They were only a small number that will make Heaven. Rev 7:9-17. For days the words wandered around my brain. Its a beautiful song and makes me think my mom is actully much closer to me all the time.

Anyway, tonight when I came to the computer, I played that song again and while I was listening I did a google search for the lyrics so I could read them. Then I opened my E-Sword online bible to look up that scripture. For some reason the search did not find "These are they..." I played the song a few more times wishing I had paid more attention to mom's teaching when I had her. Finally I got out MY old Dakes Bible. My mom's bible was right next to mine but I picked up mine. Found the verse in Rev 7:9-17 Then I started looking in Dake's notes. A few old photos dropped out of the Bible and as I was putting them back I noticed a faded, worn, note in my mother's handwriting. She had notes everywhere. Her own Bible can hardly close because of her notes. The thought went through my mind, 'wouldn't it be neat if this note was on this verse:???

Well........ thank you Lord and my momma. Its on this verse exactly. She must have been studying and starting jotting down her thoughts......

If you choose to look at this in the eyes of the world, its just a crazy coincidence but as I looked at it, tears filled my eyes. How awesome is it when you can almost reach out and touch a person just with the spirit? I can hold this piece of paper that my mother jotted notes on and feel her sincere desire to learn more about God and to share that knowledge with others. Tonight it has been VERY special to know our minds were so attuned that God was able to touch me through my mom's writings. Mom's been dead since Jan 1999. I miss her more as I get older. She was a special lady.

Here's what she wrote, just the way she wrote it...."Some who teach prophesy emphasize the antichrist and the horrible events of the Tribulation more than the Glories of Christ and the great and mighty things God is going to do to glorify His name and many Christians not only ignorant of God's plan and His purposes but are careless and indifferent to divine things. The Natural man receiveth not the things of God they are spiritually discerned.
In a great efford to attract peoples attention to Him and His Power to save and help from the awful tribulations. The Laodocean Church - had no white garments. Their garments were spotted Eph 4 - The Bride is to be without spot or blemish, white garments, not stained, lost their virtue - on the fence flirting with the world, indifferent to admonition of the word to walk in Righteousness. Lukewarm. Joel says "in valley of Decision can't make up mind- want to be religious - and do not want to be lost, want world. In Chaper 7 of Rev. they make up their minds , wash robes, make them white in the Blood. "These are they that have come out of great tribulation!!!"
We believe that we Christians will be taken out before the tribulation actually starts but that's not the END. There will be a "remnant" that will stand up for Jesus, cleanse their robes... profess to the world their faith. These Christians will have to suffer and endure horrible times.

It was such a good time to share a little nugget of mom's teaching, in her own handwriting. How awesome is that? Thank you, Lord!