Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thought on this Day - Tyler

Sometimes I find it hard to grasp that nothing ever stays the same. Nothing ever stays the same. It would be so nice to wake up with all your problems solved, money in the bank and only sunshine coming through the windows. It just doesn't work that way. As we learn early in life, rain must fall.

Gardening used to be so rewarding. Seeing all the tiny seeds push through the dirt straining to get into the sunshine. There's a fragile balance of water and sun to keep the little seedlings growing and at times a real challenge for sure! Now days my plants struggle just staying alive from neglect and I'm sure there's another whole story on that subject.

Our lives as Christians have a tendency to struggle in the same way. We want to always be on the mountain top but its through the valley that we learn to trust and grow.

My sweet grandson Tyler has been facing some difficult times this summer and this past weekend has been even more difficult. Tonight we learned that he has broken his leg skating. School starts on Monday. OOPS !!! More prayer needed here!

A friend said sometime to me about treasures and it made me think of the old song we used to sing.

Are you longing for the fullness
Of the blessing of the Lord
In your heart and life today?
Claim the promise of your Father;
Come according to His Word,
In the blessèd, old time way.


He will fill your heart today to overflowing.
As the Lord commandeth you,
“Bring your vessels, not a few.”
He will fill your heart today to overflowing
With the Holy Ghost and power.

Bring your empty earthen vessels,
Clean through Jesus’ precious blood.
Come, ye needy, one and all;
And in human consecration

Wait before the throne of God
Till the Holy Ghost shall fall.


Like the cruse of oil unfailing
Is His grace forevermore,
And His love unchanging still;
And according to His promise,
With the Holy Ghost and power
He will every vessel fill.

I started looking for this song but can't find a good version but I did run across this article. Thought I would share it. We are earthen vessels, easily broken and worn but because we have the Lord He is able to fill them.

2 Corinthians 4:6-11

By Dr. Mark E. Hardgrove

If you had a great treasure, something so valuable that you would sell all that you have to obtain it, once you got this treasure where would you put it? Look at what Paul writes. "God . . . has shone in our hearts to give the light of the know of the glory of God [as seen in] he face of Jesus Christ." Then Paul writes, "but we have this treasure in earthen vessels . . .." The treasure is Christ in our heart, the hope of glory. The treasure is a right relationship with the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit. This is the key that gives us access to the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God is the pearl of great price.

we know what the treasure is, in short, it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ alive and working in our lives. Therefore, the clay pot is us. I know that doesn't give us much to glory in, but the truth is that God reached down and got a hand full of red earth and formed man. Then God breathed a spirit in to man and he became a living soul.

The pressures of life are relentless. The pressures of the world to conform to ideals and styles, appetites and desires that are contrary to God's Word, are constantly bombarding us from the media, at school and at work. The pressures of responsibilities in the family, on the job and in the church are always weighing upon us. Paul said of us clay pot that we are hard pressed.

We are hard pressed, from every side, and every angle, but because of the grace of God, the love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, we are not crushed.

We are not crushed because the treasure in us sustains us. When a submarine goes thousands of feet below the ocean, the pressure of the water would crush the hull were it not for the air pressure within the ship. And in the waters of life, we would be crushed were it not for the Spirit of God that dwells within us

We are needy tonight, Lord! Please fill our vessels!

Psalm 73:23-27

23 Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.

24 You guide me with your counsel,and afterward you will take me into glory.

25 Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

26 My flesh and my heart may fail,but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.